Oct. 2: Morning - 37 newly-released Kindle books on Sunday so far,
almost all are latest Vook classics
Genre: Historical Fiction
"...recommended reading for lovers of imaginative, well-crafted stories..." -- Tracy Moore, Apex Reviews
"Don't be thrown by the title...this is great! My wife and I read P & P a while ago and really enjoyed it. I laughed out loud several times " -- customer review
"The funniest story I have read in a long time." -- customer review
"...an adorable and hilarious take on the Princess and the Pea. This is not a graphic or pornographic tale in any way" --customer review
Click it to see what the daily deal book is, at any time.)
The Hangman's Daughter, by Oliver Pötzsch (Author), Lee Chadeayne (Author, Translator) 413 customer reviews, 3.7 stars
Daily Deal until the end of Sunday 10/2:
Saturday's Price: $7.99
Sunday's Discount: $7.00
Sunday's Daily Deal Price: $0.99 (88% off)
"...[by] television screenwriter Pötzsch, a descendent of the Kuisls, a famous Bavarian executioner clan."
"A brilliantly-researched and exciting story of a formative era of history when witches were hunted -- Publishers Weekly
[Caveat - 39 people really did not like it (1 star and many reasons)]
Other current forum threads that might interest some
Public Library Lending questions at the forums, and Lendle's Kindle borrowing
. How many e-books does your public library have?
. Public librarians: what has been your Kindle/Overdrive experience?
. Changes to lendle (This is Kindle owner-to-Kindle owner lending.)
The changes include incentives for offering loaners.
Ongoing popular discussions
. Discussion of geographic restrictions on digital purchases
. Discount-alert books discussed on separate message thread (Newer)
. What have been your favorite public domain books that are not so well known?
. Best "Free" books you've read (many are no longer free, however).
. Highly recommended Indie authors
. Unique Uses of Kindles
Amazon's own ongoing listing of LIMITED-TIME OFFERS - Promos Amazon sorts these by Bestsellers first. I've added a by Low-to-High pricing. Editors' Picks: $1.99-$3.99 thru' October | Free contemporary books: subsets Filters out excerpts, chapters, previews US: by Last 30+ days Oct 2011 Publication Date Late-listed Bestselling High-ratings UK: by PubDate Popular |
LATEST DISCOUNTED Kindle books (some temporarily) forum thread:
Forum-thread starter RandomizeME includes a caution that it's not a book promotion thread for authors or for posts about indies or free books either. "This thread is for discounts and price drops that readers [esp. Emily Bronte] find from publishers."
TEMPORARILY-Free Books: Alerts from the Amazon Kindle forums - via the tireless
NOTE: The alerts are quoted as they appear in Joyce's collecting of mostly temporarily-free books. They're
If, on this Home page listing (in orange), you see "MORE" books available, ' Happy Reader "Joyce" says:
* CLICK at the bottom to get the REST of any long listing of free books *
[ Andrys' note: More free Vook Classics - Last week's went back up in price]
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe: Vook Classics
The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell: Vook Classics
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill: Vook Classics
The Iliad by Homer: Vook Classics
The Game by Jack London: Vook Classics
MORE... (32 more books: Click on "MORE" just below.)
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas: Vook Classics
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne: Vook Classics
Studies of the Sierra by John Muir: Vook Classics
The Brotherhood (Precinct 11)
The Time Machine by H.G.Wells: Vook Classics
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe: Vook Classics
The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales by Mrs. Alfred Gatty: Vook Classics
The Martyr of the Catacombs (A Tale of Ancient Rome): Vook Classics
The Yosemite: Vook Classics
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Vook Classics
The Story of My Boyhood and Youth: Vook Classics
The Civilization of China by Herbert A. Giles: Vook Classics
Terror by Night
Travels in Alaska by John Muir: Vook Classics
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas: Vook Classics
The Velveteen Rabbit: Vook Classics
Ransomed Dreams (Side Roads)
Prairie Rose (A Town Called Hope)
The Republic: Vook Classics
White Fang by Jack London: Vook Classics
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy: Vook Classics
The Art of War by Sun Tzu: Vook Classics
Ulysses by James Joyce: Vook Classics
The Mountains of California by John Muir: Vook Classics
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling: Vook Classics
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving: Vook Classics
The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper: Vook Classics
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson: Vook Classics
Walden: Vook Classics
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells: Vook Classics
The Prince by Machiavelli: Vook Classics
Liquid Smoke (Noah Braddock) '
[These are from Joyce's free-books alerts Sunday morning in the forums, 10/2/11 - morning, 37 books
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Check often: Temporarily-free late-listed non-classics or recently published ones
Guide to finding Free Kindle books and Sources. Top 100 free bestsellers. Liked-books under $1
UK-Only: recently published non-classics, bestsellers, or £5 Max ones
Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.
I really enjoyed the first half of the story, and the twist in the middle was very interesting. It's very Jane Eyre, which I enjoyed. However, whoever the commenter is who said this is a fine book for young readers might not have been paying attention. Most of the story is in her pre-teens, and she's a pretty lusty pre-teen