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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Free Kindle books (11/03) + discounted-book alerts + promo lists

Interim posting for Nov. 3 - 4 books in Joyce's morning list.

Too much going on with Lending Library questions etc and must be gone for hours, so here are links to the early threads on free books today and the ongoing discounted-book alerts thread.

First this Kindle Daily Deal link (Link: amzn.to/kdailydeal ) changes at midnight each day and will always show you the latest Kindle Daily Deal.  (I also need to update my free e-book subsets and get November ones set up.)

Today's deal is "Pearl of China", by Anchee Min, 60 customer reviews, 4.1 stars -- $7.19 yesterday, with $5.20 discount today, $1.99 until end of today, Thursday.

"...Ardently detailed, dramatic, and encompassing, Min’s fresh and penetrating interpretation of Pearl S. Buck’s extraordinary life delivers profound psychological, spiritual, and historical insights within an unforgettable cross-cultural story of a quest for veracity, compassion, and justice." -- Donna Seaman

  MORE... ( The temporarily newly-free books and discounted-book forum-alerts are on the 2nd page now, to load the main page more quickly and so that those wanting to go through the details can do so by: clicking on "MORE" just below)

LATEST DISCOUNTED Kindle books (some temporarily) -
  Forum-thread starter RandomizeME cautions, "This thread is [only] for discounts and price drops that readers find from publishers."  Another main finder is Emily Bronte.
  For 11/2-11/3 (Link: amzn.to/kdisc1102-03 )

TEMPORARILY-Free Books:  Alerts from the Amazon Kindle forums - via the tireless "Happy Reader" Joyce, who is ever on the lookout on behalf of forum members.

  NOTE: The alerts are quoted from Joyce's collecting of mostly temporarily-free books.  They're *not* recommendations by anyone but are a popular, unfiltered daily set of forum release-alerts by Joyce, logged here for those who don't or can't make it to the forums.  The eBooks are often no longer free within days, sometimes, within hours.  Thanks to Joyce for gathering and organizing them for us.

' Happy Reader "Joyce" says:

I'll Be There
Author: Debra Grace Staley
Genre: Romance

DESCRIPTION: In Angel Ridge, Tennessee, not much goes on around town in the winter. After Christmas, folks usually hunker down and wait for spring to come to the Smokey Mountains. But given recent events, which included a bombing and newspaper publisher Jenny Thompson's disappearance, people in town are understandably on edge. Now Jenny's in hiding on a nearby mountain, waiting for trouble to catch up with her and none too sure it hasn't, when reclusive mountain man Cord Goins comes to her rescue. Stuck between a beginning and an ending, both she and Cord feel powerless to control the dangerous situation they've found themselves in, along with the unexpected consequences of falling in love.


Erra (Gods and Thurs)
Author: Poppet
Genre: Erotica

DESCRIPTION: Sarah bumps into Dustin, and is instantly smitten. Erik wants her, and won't back down, finally revealing his true identity. Caught in a love triangle with cosmic repercussions, Sarah represents all women when she decides to let her heart make her choice. Love is the sweetest suffering.


The Prague Cemetery (FREE SAMPLE)
Author: Umberto Eco
Genre: Historical Fiction

DESCRIPTION: Nineteenth-century Europe-from Turin to Prague to Paris-abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Conspiracies rule history. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. Italian republicans strangle priests with their own intestines. French criminals plan bombings by day and celebrate Black Masses at night. Every nation has its own secret service, perpetrating forgeries, plots, and massacres. From the unification of Italy to the Paris Commune to the Dreyfus Affair to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Europe is in tumult and everyone needs a scapegoat. But what if, behind all of these conspiracies both real and imagined, lay one lone man? What if that evil genius created its most infamous document? Eco takes his readers on an unforgettable journey through the underbelly of world-shattering events. Eco at his most exciting, a book immediately hailed as a masterpiece.


A Thousand Lies: Lies Every Good American Must Believe
Author: D.W. St. John
Genre: Government - Political - Public Affairs

DESCRIPTION: These are a few of the lies we must believe if America's political system, culture and world dominance is to endure. Our faith in them insures we never question who we are, how we live or the world we have made. We can't live as we do without them. This list is for all Americans-progressive, conservative, moderate or radical. It is guaranteed to offend everyone. '

[These are from Joyce's free-books alert Thursday morning in the forums, 11/3 - morning, 4 books although I don't understand what the "free sample" means in this case ...

Ongoing popular discussions

  . Feel like almost crying - Kindle loss and personalizing Kindles - lighthearted   Newer
  . Unusual calls from Amazon because of forum posts
  . Personal docs now sendable to individual Kindles again
  . [WAS] Warning: Personal docs now sent to a Kindle will now go to all new Kindles
  . To Avoid Confusion, Please Use the Official Product Names in Forum" [entertaining]
  . Discussion of geographic restrictions on digital purchases
  . Discount-alert books discussed on separate message thread (Newer)
  . What have been your favorite public domain books that are not so well known?
  . Best "Free" books you've read (many are no longer free, however).
  . Highly recommended Indie authors
  . Unique Uses of Kindles

Other current forum threads that might interest some
Public Library Lending questions at the forums, and Lendle's Kindle borrowing
  . How many e-books does your public library have?
  . Public librarians: what has been your Kindle/Overdrive experience?
  . Changes to lendle (This is Kindle owner-to-Kindle owner lending.)
      The changes include incentives for offering loaners

Amazon's own ongoing listing of LIMITED-TIME OFFERS - Promos
  Amazon sorts these by Bestsellers first.
  I've added a by Low-to-High pricing.

Editors' Picks: $1.99-$3.99   thru' November
Free contemporary books: subsets
Filters out excerpts, chapters, previews
US:  by Last 30+ days  Nov 2011
   Publication Date   Late-listed
   Bestselling   High-ratings

UK:  by PubDate   Popular

Kindle Touch 3G   Kindle Touch WiFi   Kindle Basic   (UK: KBasic)   Kindle Fire
Kindle Keybd 3G   (UK: Kindle Keybd 3G)   K3 Special Offers   K3-3G Special Offers   DX

Check often: Temporarily-free late-listed non-classics or recently published ones
  Guide to finding Free Kindle books and Sources.  Top 100 free bestsellers.  Liked-books under $1
UK-Only: recently published non-classics, bestsellers, or £5 Max ones
    Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.

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