Catching up after time away
First, as most will already know, Amazon released, in Late June, the new basic Kindle e-Reader that's even thinner and lighter
Wanted to explore some new features and updates but have to leave again and can't start that until tomorrow.
I've finally updated the Kindle chart listing of what's available globally, with links to specific current models.
In the meantime, here's an amazing resource today for those of us stymied by what has happened in the middle east and the ramifications globally -- a significant free offering by the New York Times today.

The NY Times is providing FREE, for all readers, even non-subscribers, today's ENTIRE issue of its interactive edition of its Sunday NY Times Magazine: "FRACTURED LANDS: HOW THE ARAB WORLD CAME APART."
From the opening:
' ... In print, it occupies an entire issue. The product of some 18 months of reporting, it tells the story of the catastrophe that has fractured the Arab world since the invasion of Iraq 13 years ago, leading to the rise of ISIS and the global refugee crisis.
The geography of this catastrophe is broad and its causes are many, but its consequences — war and uncertainty throughout the world — are familiar to us all. Scott Anderson’s story gives the reader a visceral sense of how it all unfolded, through the eyes of six characters in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan.
Accompanying Anderson’s text are 10 portfolios by the photographer Paolo Pellegrin, drawn from his extensive travels across the region over the last 14 years, as well as a landmark virtual-reality experience that embeds the viewer with the Iraqi fighting forces during the battle to retake Falluja. "
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(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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