Paul Biba tweeted the following yesterday and I re-tweeted it there for those who follow this blog's tweets. When more active at Twitter, I post some links that may not make it to the blog. Paul posts regularly on the e-book world, so he is an especially good one to follow.
This was an alert about Overdrive's blog report on Penguin's welcome turnaround in their stance on what they had considered the too-convenient over-the-air Kindle downloads of Penguin's e-books, controlled by Amazon's Whispernet processes, causing Penguin to consider requiring borrowers to go physically to the library to borrow books. In the blog report here on Feb. 10, 2012, I quoted an article that discussed Penguin's concerns about the borrowing of e-books being "too frictionless" -- meaning it was too easy or convenient and so, for that reason and others, Penguin had quit Overdrive for awhile. They made arrangements with 3M, and later negotiated another Agreement with Overdrive but did not allow Kindle books to be downloadable "over the air" and insisted those would have to be transferred with a USB cable.
Overdrive's blog post opens with this:
' Posted January 8, 2014 by Heather Tunstall under Collection Development, Devices, Library, Service News.
As previously announced, the USB side-loading requirement for Penguin eBooks on Kindle devices has been lifted. Today, we are pleased to inform our partners and end-users that direct downloads of Penguin eBooks in Kindle format for U.S. library accounts are now standard. This means that these titles will have the same ease of use as all other publishers’ eBooks, without the need for USB loading. '
About time. Probably the sometimes-maligned DOJ decision (disliked by those who don't like Amazon's aggressive e-book pricing) helped here.
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