LATE notice on a fairly large sale today-only that Amazon is running on the HD 7" tablet, normally $139 to start but $79 to start, the balance of Monday, April 20.
This will leave less than 1 hour for east coast readers, most of whom will be asleep. But I'll post it anyway for Pacific Coast readers who might be interested in the heavy discount.
One recommendation:
The $79 price is for the 8 GB model, and it's $99 for the 16 GB model.
I guess the reason they've offered an 8 GB model SINCE then is the heavy emphasis on being able to store apps on the Cloud in the last 2 years and easily get them onto or off of the tablets as needed, but I really don't recommend an 8 GB tablet at all these days - and the 16 GB version is $20 more or actually $99. 8 GB is just too small.
That 8 GB has to hold system files too and should be considered by those not planning to use many games and graphic apps and interested mostly in reading.
I suppose it might be worth it for $79 for a youngster not into a lot of games, since the non-breakable version is $149 for only the 6" HD to start.
I've long recommended at least 16 GB even if it's somewhat more costly at $20 more, because (repeat) the more attractive or fun apps are heavily graphics-oriented or complex and take up a large amount of storage space and even will need temporary file space during the running of them.
I'll repeat something I wrote a few months ago, for those interested in this sale but who don't know whether they'd want a Kindle tablet vs other types of tablets available these days.
Amazon tops Apple in Tablet satisfaction survey for first time
JD Power's Yr 2014 Vol 2 Study of U.S. Tablet Satisfaction had Amazon coming from way behind (in past years) to beat Apple out for the first time in the now popular tablet market.
The simple headline in their press release was "Amazon Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Tablet Devices"
"The study, now in its third year, measures customer satisfaction with tablets across five factors (in order of importance): performance (28%); ease of operation (22%); features (22%); styling and design (17%); and cost (11%). Satisfaction is calculated on a 1,000-point scale."
From what I remember, Amazon, newer to the game, placed 5th or so in the past. Apple led the field the first two years of this ongoing study. The study may be of interest to some who are wondering whether or not to jump on the Holiday pricing Amazon has had in varying degrees the last couple of weeks.
The mantra has always been "Isn't Apple the best?" As ever, if you have an Apple iPhone and love your iOS apps, it makes more sense to stick with Apple.
Otherwise, you may want to try Amazon's now famous 30-day Full Refund "No Risk" policy on Kindles. The return policy:
' You can return any Kindle e-reader, Fire tablet or Amazon Fire TV devices or accessories you purchased directly from for a full refund within 30 days of the day you received it as long as it's in new condition and the return is in accordance with our return policy. '(Within 60 days, it's an 80% refund, which I didn't know.)
Will get this off now, Was not here earlier to note this sale, which is quite a bit more of a discount than usual.
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(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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