UPDATE: 4/24/09. PC World's Melissa J. Perenson presents a "visual tour" contrasting the Sony PRS-700 and Kindle 2 units.
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Like the Amazon cover, it lies very flat but is 3/4" longer to provide the webbing that allows the front cover to be used as a stand. As the pics indicated, it's also nicely padded. The left-ledge is meant for an integrated light (separate purchase) when the new version is ready, but that edge makes it less fatiguing to hold with one hand, so I'm rethinking the separate light.
While I like Amazon's notebook-style cover a lot, the M-Edge's stand-up feature is a real Plus. :-) So I alternate the covers. Their other covers. Below are ways to Share this post if you'd like others to see it.
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(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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