MARCH 2013's 100 Kindle Books deal, for $3.99 or less
I highlight the monthly deal at or near the beginning of the month for those who don't know about it or might not remember.
This group of 100 Kindle books range from $1.99 to $3.99, as usual for this monthly deal, and are "hand-selected" by Amazon's Editors each month.
What you'll see on that special monthly-deals page (UK version is here) are new for March 2013.
Amazon's current discounts on accessories for Kindle e-Reader and Kindle Fire
1. Up to 30% on covers for Kindle eReaders
2. Up to 50% on covers for Kindle Fire (Gen 2) and Kindle Fire HD tablets
1. Select Outlet deals
2. Goldbox and Lightning deals
Today's Goldbox Deal of the day is maybe useful with a tablet:
Sony MDR-XB600 Extra Bass Headphones, at 60% off: "...hard-hitting hooks with 40mm drivers engineered for extended bass response. Newly developed urethane ear pads [for] comfort and noise isolation" with "dual-folding, swivel cup design"
FREE KINDLE BOOKS (Non-classics) for March (and February)
I've updated the "Temporarily-free books -- Non-classics" search results to show free contemporary Kindle books for MARCH, sorted by publication-date, as of today, March 1, 2013. There are only a few shown on the first day of any month, and these include pre-orders due that month. As ever, on the first day of the month, most of these are listed as "free preview" of whatever chapters chosen, some are short stories, and a few not-entire-family-safe titles may show up.
Here, also, are the current Search results for still free Kindle non-classics, by publication date during the last month (February).
The Kindle Daily Deal page
for any given day now shows a lot of books since it includes children's books, a couple of genre-specific deals, and the monthly daily deals as well.
Discounted / Price Dropped Kindle eBooks II - the ongoing Kindle Forum message thread
There is an ongoing message thread in which Kindle owners share information on recent drops in pricing on specific Kindle books, often with some added info by the person posting it.
Here's a link to the thread, starting at a Feb. 25 posting that includes some books still on sale
Still discounted heavily today are highly-rated books from the larger publishers . These tend to be very short-term discounts.
One still on sale at $1.99 is Nexus, by Ramez Naam, very positively reviewed by mainstream reviewers (Wired, Wall St. Journal, Booklist, Publishers Weekly) and highly rated in 151 customer reviews that average 4.8 of 5 stars.
The forum topic link I gave is to a specific day to start, in this case, 2/25, as mentioned, but you can look at previous days or keep up with ongoing alerts after that, as Amazon keeps track of the last message# that you read, so that you can start from there next time. Most of the better deals seem around $1.99-$4.99 but there are many larger-publishing house deals included that tend to end in a DAY, so you'd need to double-check the current pricing of ANY Kindle books that interest you to see if the discounts are still active.
Again, prices are discounted for only a very short time, too often, and are promos, and that's another reason to watch the list.
Current Kindle Models for reference, plus free-ebook search links.
NOTES on newer Kindles.
Check often: Temporarily-free recently published Kindle books
Guide to finding Free Kindle books and Sources. Top 100 free bestsellers. Liked-books under $1
UK-Only: recently published free books, bestsellers, or £5 Max ones
Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.
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(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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