UPDATED 3/26/10 (Orig'l post was dated 3/13 at 11:50 AM)
No customer reviews yet, current price $0.00
Text-to-speech: Enabled. Genre: Desktop publishing, Graphic Design, Reference
From Product Description: "A guide to publishing your book on Kindle with Amazon’s Digital Text Platform (DTP). DTP is a fast and easy self-publishing tool that lets anyone upload and format their titles for sale in the Kindle Store. If you have an Amazon.com account, you're already signed up with Digital Text Platform. ... Digital Text Platform gives you everything you need to become your own publisher today."
42 customer reviews with 4-1/2 stars out of 5, current price $0.00
Current hardcover price: $14.95. Audio: $15.59 Genre: Christology, Bible, Faith
From Product Description: What would it be like to journey back to the first century and sit at the feet of Rabbi Jesus as one of his Jewish disciples? How would your understanding of the gospel have been shaped by the customs, beliefs, and traditions of the Jewish culture in which you lived?
UPDATED 3/24/10 (Orig'l post was dated 3/13 at 11:50 AM)
6 customer reviews with 5 stars out of 5, current price $0.00
Current paperback price $9.95. Genre: Family Relationships
From Product Description: A very Southern mother-in-law's humorous advice to mothers-in-law everywhere. From the multiple New York Times bestselling author of The Red Hat Club.
UPDATED 3/14/10 (Orig'l post was dated 3/13 at 11:50 AM)
34 customer reviews with 4-1/2 stars out of 5, current price $0.00
Current hardcover price $14.99; paperback price $6.00. Digital List price was set at $11.99. This Kindle book is published by Zondervan with a displayed date of March 10, as a free Kindle book promo, I guess. As with so many of Amazon's faster-selling Kindle books lately, this is labeled Christian Fiction. It's about two who decide to make a feature film in Hollywood and their travails with that process. There aren't any external newspaper reviews cited though.
55 customer reviews with 4 stars out of 5, current price $0.00.
This is a pre-order for March 23 release date (Harper Collins)
At its former Amazon Kindle listing (without the bonus material) where the reviews are shown, the Kindle price is listed as $7.99. The free copy will be, as usual, temporary, for a relatively newer book (2008).
33 customer reviews, with 4 stars out of 5, current price $0.00
This is another pre-order for March 23 release date (Eos)
At an alternate Amazon Kindle listing (without the bonus material) where the reviews are shown, the Kindle price is listed as $7.99 although the little box underneath the main header says that the Kindle Edition is $12.59. A new paperback edition, with the extended title of Rides a Dread Legion: Book One of the Demonwar Saga (Mass Market Paperback) is being released on April for $7.99 according to that little box.
The free copy will be, as usual, temporary, for a relatively newer book.
by Melissa Marr March 16 pre-order Temporary price $0.00 | by Melissa Marr March 23 pre-order Temporary price |
Young adult novels, fantasy genre. Her Ink Exchange for Harper Collins received a positive review by The Washington Post's Mary Quattlebaum: "As the sequel to last year's popular Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange is even more compelling, thanks to Melissa Marr's more nuanced characterizations..."
HarperCollins is putting a lot of teen-market money behind Marr. See the video they've produced.
See the ongoing Guide to finding Free or Low-Cost Kindle books and Sources
There's also a page of links that confine searches to mid-range priced e-books. Below are ways to Share this post if you'd like others to see it.
-- The Send to Kindle button works well only on Firefox currently.

(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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Questions & feedback are welcome in the Comment areas (tho' spam is deleted). Thanks!
this is great! Thanks from momable :)
ReplyDeleteMost welcome! I'm glad to see HarperCollins doing this since they were so supportive of Macmillan's "Agency" plan. But it's wise, and good for us.