FREE KINDLE BOOKS from Joyce's daily forum thread of free Kindle book alerts
498 newly and temporarily free Kindle books for Friday, 1/13/12. Recommendation-listings by forum members + discounted-book alerts.
Some of these are free for only a few days, others maybe two weeks.
[ Doublecheck the prices always.]
and posted so that others can see what was found to be interesting to them, out of hundreds of book titles.
Notice that the forum members have taken the time to go through the full lists and then have created links to the books that were of interest to them when going through almost 500 free book titles, and the links they made are so that others can find those books also.
LISTS ARE COMPILED -- I've taken each members' several listings and included their choices under their names so you can see all the choices by each in these public forum threads.
I also included their duplicated picks so you get a sense of what strikes people, in general, as worth picking up.
Listing-types and some genre identification
If you can see that some forum members choose the types of books you like, that'll help, and if you can see that any choose the types of books you may not find as interesting, that should help too! Many also specify the genre involved, which is very helpful. Even as subsets, there are 278 links involved in this set, although some are duplicates, chosen by different members. I hope this approach will prove useful for readers, when I have the time to do them.
Kindle-Edition subscribers (thank you for the support) should use their computers at the web page to use these links.
For those regulars who are reading the blog article from the main page, the listings will be on a 2nd page, which you get to by clicking on the "...MORE"-area link below.
MORE... ( If you are reading this from the main blog page, the temporarily newly-free books and discounted-book forum-alerts link(s) are on the 2nd page, to load the main page more quickly and so that those wanting to go through the details can do so by: Clicking on "MORE" just below)
January 13 free books - 498. The following are:
Forum members' free-book choices for Jan. 13-14:
"Princess" Joyce says:Listings included were those through this thread page after 350 posts were done.
Don't forget to take a peak at this book offering ... Great author and the complete series today is FREE
The Callahans: The Complete Series
[ Each individual book in that series costs $3.99 or so otherwise. ]
Terror Travels the Devil's Highway
Dance Tough Guys
Candlewood Lake
TwistedPerception: a Detective Elliot Mystery
Head Games
Inside the Mirrors
Love Me Gently
Presumed Guilty until proven innocent
Hollywood Scandals (Hollywood Headlines)
Friends and Other Perishables: a Carl Jacobs Mystery
Wildflowers Come Back
The Perfect Dish
Opal Fire (A Stacy Justice Mystery)
Iron City
Fatality Management (Emergency Operations Center Mystery)
Veronica's Nap
The Callahans: The Complete Series
Year of the Chick
Vampire Love Story (#1) Author: H.T. Night Genre: Fantasy-Vampire
AnnieB says:
...Here's my first selection:
1. The Callahans: The Complete Series this is the complete 5 book series by our very own Gordon Ryan. I'm so excited to be able to get all the books together in one set! Thanks Gordon where ever you are. :-)
2. Candlewood Lake set in the early 70's
3. Twisted Perception: a Detective Elliot Mystery mystery
4.The Sinking of the Titanic a history of the Titanic
5. Presumed Guilty until proven innocent this mystery is set in Fairfield Iowa
6. Hollywood Scandals (Hollywood Headlines) mystery
7. Two Graves (A Kesle City Homicide Novel) mystery
Brian Toomer says:
U Mad? The Internet's Guide to Idiots
If you're into Internet culture, this one is free today.
K.J.T says:"Cozy" mysteries
Fatality Management (Emergency Operations Center Mystery)
Death of an Obnoxious Tourist (Dotsy Lamb Travel Mysteries)
Ultimate Cookie Recipes
NB: Ultimate Cookie Recipes has clear formatting but no table of contents.
Easy & Healthy Crock Pot Cookbook: 31 Delicious & Nutritious Crockpot Chili Recipes for 31 Days of the Month. Set and Let Your Slow Cooker Cook. Ready ... Get Home! (Crockpot Cookbook Best Sellers)
Teresa Lyons says:Truth and Lies Destroyer of Lives
Jack's Off; He's Gone. Jack Has Disappeared. (The Book of Oprah)
...a quirky little one (and i am not affiliated with this book in any way), but it looks like a good read. Will let you know what I think!
Sarah M says;
Dying Breath (Dean Grant Series #4)
Shadow Hunters
Terror Travels the Devil's Highway
Yellow Eyes (The Guardian Saga)
Twisted Perception: a Detective Elliot Mystery
Base Spirits
Dying Breath (Dean Grant Series #4)
Shadow Hunters
Terror Travels the Devil's Highway
Yellow Eyes (The Guardian Saga)
Twisted Perception: a Detective Elliot Mystery
Base Spirits
Nospin says
Health and healing
Feel Better Plan for Fibromyalgia in Remission
Unique Healing
Veganess Breakfast Recipes-
Unique & Easy Vegetarian Soup Recipes (Not Your Same Ole' Boring Recipes)
Delicioso Guacamoles & Quesos (The Mexican Fiesta Cookbooklets)
Head Games
Death of an Obnoxious Tourist
Opal Fire
Hollywood Scandals (all mysteries), and
Veronica's Nap.
Christine H. says:
Be sure to check each book's price carefully!
Places in Ireland a Visitor Must See - A Travel Guide
Tasty Tex-Mex Recipes: Breakfast Edition (Tasty Tex Mex Recipes)
Winter Wonderlands: 150+ Classic Winter Scenes
T. Cook says:
Wow, I guess some people really don't like Spider Robinson's Callahan's Crosstime Saloon series...
Anyway, was just saying the Callahan's book series available for free today is not the more well-known Spider Robinson's Callahan's series.
kiss04bam says
Baking Love In The Kitchen - 25 Recipes To Keep Your Stove Lit!
SID-City (December edition is Free)
Candlewood Lake
See You At The Show
Bound by Blood (Paranormal Romance/Time Travel)
The Perfect Dish
The Fall
Opal Fire (A Stacy Justice Mystery)
Happy Birthday to You (Birthday Trilogy, Book 3)
Wildflowers Come Back
Every Last Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga)
K. Weber says:
Spousal Abuse
Sari Caste
Ten More Bodies
The Sinking of the Titanic
bailey 1 says:
In Dreams (The Dream Series)
Bits of You & Pieces of Me
Haunting Refrain
Sudden Storms
My Dog Died for us dog lovers!!!
Teenagers - Can You Survive Them? I'm learning to with my 13 year old son!
The Best Vegetarian Pizza Recipes (Fast, Easy and Delicious Pizza Cookbooks)
The Trials of Virtue
isanythingopen says:
Choices for the kids ["Quite a few for the older ones this time."]
Shadow Hunters
Dragons' Bane
The Mayfair Moon
Death Whispers (Death Series, Book 1)
Forever Freaky
Cristo's Chronicles (Book One-The King's Challenge)
Wingling (Ellery Rider)
Lance Sidesaddle, Private Investigator
Light Of Eidon
Eve of Destruction
Hindustaan: An Epic Adventure of the Mughal Empire
Burning Light (The Seventh World Trilogy)
The Spiral Tattoo
The Phoenix Prince (Royal Blood)
The Woodcutter
The Ills of Saardu
The Adventures of Guy
The Axe of the Dwarf Lords (Chronicles of the Nameless Dwarf)
Azuri Fae - Urban Fantasy (Caledonia Fae, Book 2)
Science Fiction
Forbidden The Stars (The Interstellar Age Book 1)
Majesty's Offspring (Book 1) (Age of Majesty)
Escape to Destiny
See Jack Hunt (See Jack Die)
Black Damask
Diana's Dreams (Whispers)
Generation Evil
The Heretic (The Templar Chronicles)
Historical Fiction
The Master's Wall (Iron & the Stone)
Mom of 2 says:
The Callahans: The Complete Series,The Sinking of the Titanic, From Ashes to Honor (First Responders), Unique & Easy Vegetarian Soup Recipes (Not Your Same Ole' Boring Recipes),Veganess Breakfast Recipes-, Healthy Cooking Recipes With Olive Oil,Juicing For Health, Detox, And Weight Loss: 77 Reasons Why Having Fruit And Vegetable Juices In Your Diet Will Change Your Life, and ANYTHING HE CAN DO... (A Woman's Guide To Home Repair)
[ Interesting Sidenote from Annieb, though less interesting for her mom!:
Hi everyone!
I'm at the hospital with my mom. She fell and broke her arm this morning. Let me tell you this little Fire is great. I can read and keep in touch with family members. And of course1-click to my hearts content." ]
MadVillaa says:
A Parrot in My Soup
Twisted Perception: a Detective Elliot Mystery
Friends and Other Perishables: a Carl Jacobs Mystery
4 A.M. Until 4 P.M.
Death of an Obnoxious Tourist (Dotsy Lamb Travel Mysteries)
Head GamesWildflowers Come Back
Two Graves (A Kesle City Homicide Novel)
The Schliemann Legacy
The Power Of Relationships: Solutions To Strengthen Your Marriage, Love Life, and Friendships (Effective Ways To Unlock The Power Of Your Relationships)
The Second Half Begins at 50 ~ the best half... (Boomer Book Series)
Living in Naples: Three Years of Working, Eating, Traveling, and Making the Most of Italy
Unique & Easy Vegetarian Soup Recipes (Not Your Same Ole' Boring Recipes)Ken Kesey and Storytelling as Collaborative Ritual
Are You Battling Fatigue? Find Out The Truth About It And How You Can Overcome It Today
The Invention of Religion
Re-Rambled: Food and Thought: Ramblings Special Edition
Easy & Healthy Crock Pot Cookbook: 31 Delicious & Nutritious Crockpot Chili Recipes for 31 Days of the Month. Set and Let Your Slow Cooker Cook. Ready ... Get Home! (Crockpot Cookbook Best Sellers)
Communing with the Infinite - a Path of Awakening Awareness
Edwardian Accrington Observed
Veronica's Nap
angelmum3 says
Cloud Computing Explained: 92 Practical Tips For Understanding The Cloud's Applications, Software, Strategies, And Services (there is a warning only free for 24 hours)
Legends of Tsalagee
From Ashes to Honor (First Responders)
The Sinking of the Titanic
WD says:
For those who have MS Access, don't know how to use it, and may WANT to use it for tracking their books (hint, hint)
Microsoft Access for Beginners
Corner Store
Political Fiction
Potus - The E-book
Science Fiction
The Trilobite Affair - Part 1
Edwardian Accrington Observed
Jill Angus says:
The Rape of England
AuntOh says:
Wildflowers Come Back
Every Last Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga)
The Woodcutter
Iron City
Lance Sidesaddle, Private Investigator
Places in Ireland a Visitor Must See - A Travel Guide
The Sinking of the Titanic
Delicioso Guacamoles & Quesos (The Mexican Fiesta Cookbooklets)
DoraLady says
Ok, here goes making links.
Wildflowers Come Back by Sarah Spann $0.00
Toiletrivia - World History: The Only Trivia Book That Caters To Your Everyday Bathroom Needs (Volume 2) by Jeremy Klaff $0.00
Mama Never Told Me... A Diary of Unbelievable Comments and Questions Posed to a Pregnant Woman Van Do, Emily
Alternative Acne Treatments Handbook - Great Skin Without Toxic Side Effects (Health and Wellness Series) Nicholas, Dustin
Cold and Flu Home Remedies - Alternative Treatments Without Toxic Side Effects (Health and Wellness Series) Nicholas, Dustin
The Rape of England Kelley, M. G.
The Master's Wall (Iron & the Stone) Rog, Sandi
The Law of Attraction Made Simple - Magnetize Your Heartfelt Desires Manske, Jonathan
Fatal Destiny Force, Marie
The Perfect Dish Painter, Kristen
Dare to Live: A Devotional Book for Those Over The Hill, Not Under It! Liere, Elizabeth Van
Orchard of Dust Bahr, Brian
How To Get Things Done: Lessons In Living To Your Maximum Productivity Potential (Effective Ways To Get Things Done) Johnson, Tim, Pavlina, Steve
See You At The Show Betham, Michelle
The Power Of Relationships: Solutions To Strengthen Your Marriage, Love Life, and Friendships (Effective Ways To Unlock The Power Of Your Relationships) Johnson, Tim, Pavlina, Steve
Baking Love In The Kitchen - 25 Recipes To Keep Your Stove Lit! Chiles, Kristie
Are You Battling Fatigue? Find Out The Truth About It And How You Can Overcome It Today Payne, Dr. Madison
The Second Half Begins at 50 ~ the best half... (Boomer Book Series) by Ph.D. Jane L. Bilett
Witch Mistake Nemnich, Shireen
Swallow the Moon (Dark Harbor) Jordan, K. A.
Black Pomegranate Cowles, David W.
Feel Better Plan for Fibromyalgia in Remission Dr. Diana Josephine Rossano
When It Hurts to be a Woman Dr. Diana Jo Rossano
The Monster Quiz Book Meyer, Rich
Mahko's Price O'Dowd, John
Love Me Gently Pellegrin, Kristy
Troubled Waters (Walter and Godiva) Wakeham, Jon
Dance Tough Guys James, Osmund
Candlewood Lake Penny C. Sansevieri
Garters, Gunslingers, & Grace Derringer, Lilly
DREAM LOVER Reeves, Kimberley
AIDEN'S BAYOU Reeves, Kimberley
For All We Have and Are 1914 (Princes of the North) Bouchard, Cindy
Haunting Refrain Vidler, Ellis
Sudden Storms Marcia Lynn McClure $0.00
PR in Paris Van Der Meer, Darcy
Scale of Justice Amore, Dani
Awakening Mercy (Genesis House) Benson, Angela
Picture Perfect Remiel, Deena
Clouded Rainbow Sturak, Jonathan
Jacob's Ladder (Stone & Randall 1) Ellis, Tim
Murder on Spyglass Lane (The Sarah McDougall series) Griffin, J.M.
Venice Via Venice (1) Brailovsky, SF
Miss Anna's Frigate Kuhn, Jens
Gunboat Number 14 Kuhn, Jens
Scars Of Defiance Angell, Lorena
The Hot Girl's Friend (from Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories) Scott, Lisa
Love Transposed (A Valentine's Tale) (Cupid Gone Wild) by Chelsy Day
Forever Young East, Carl
The Clever Detective Lanier, Linsey
Clever is as Clever Does (The Clever Detective) Lanier, Linsey
The West Wind Blows Lanier, Linsey
SMART SCHOOL TIME RECIPES: The Breakfast, Snack, and Lunchbox Cookbook for Healthy Kids and Adults Fleming, Alisa Marie
How To Make French Toast: Quick & Easy Recipes To Feed Your Hunger And Much More... Laurent-Tatum, Sofie
Year of the Chick Moondi, Romi
Seeing Spots Fisher, Ellen
The Bride and the Brute O'Donnell, Laurel
Happy Birthday to You (Birthday Trilogy, Book 3) Rowe, Brian
DREAMBOAT (The Frisky Chronicles) Dimplebuns, Frisky
Crap Chronicles: When IBS Strikes in all the Wrong Places Estill, Diana
Emerald Coast says:
Sherlock & Sherlock
Piddly poems for children vol:1
Eve of Destruction
Still Life Paintings
Fatality Management (Emergency Operations Center Mystery)
Savvy Holiday Entertaining
Wargeld & Other Stories
Yellow Eyes (The Guardian Saga)
Twisted Perception: a Detective Elliot Mystery
Base Spirits
Miranda Warning
Ten More Bodies
James A. Anderson says:
Gamal's Assassin
Elvis And The Sports Card Cheat (The Reed Ferguson Mystery Series)
With Love And Squalor
The Schliemann Legacy
Through The Soul's Window
The Girls says:
In Dreams (The Dream Series)
Forever Freaky
Black PomegranateToiletrivia - World History: The Only Trivia Book That Caters To Your Everyday Bathroom Needs (Volume 2)
The Adventures of Guy
Tasty Tex-Mex Recipes: Breakfast Edition (Tasty Tex Mex Recipes)
Every Last Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga)
DREAMBOAT (The Frisky Chronicles)
Bound by Blood (Paranormal Romance/Time Travel)
Unexpected Love and Other Stories
Crap Chronicles: When IBS Strikes in all the Wrong Places
Veiled (Veiled Series)
New Year's Day (Redshift #1)
The Enchanted Book
Seeing Spots
Year of the Chick
DonnaBeeGood says:The Blue Pen - Contemporary Fiction
Deadly Decisions - Mystery
Criminal - Suspense/Action/Adventure/Mystery/Thriller (?)
Show Off - Mystery/Thriller
Rattlesnake Knob - Mystery/Thriller
DON'T LOOK DOWN - Suspense
Net of Lies - Romance
The Swarm - Mystery/Thriller
Ongoing Forum Discount-Alerts thread, starting from the last exit point:
Jan. 11-14
UPDATE: LATEST temporarily-free non-classics for January 2012
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Kindle Keybd 3G (UK: Kindle Keybd 3G) K3 Special Offers K3-3G Special Offers DX
Check often: Temporarily-free recently published ones
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UK-Only: recently published free books, bestsellers, or £5 Max ones
Also, UK customers should see the UK store's Top 100 free bestsellers.
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(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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Questions & feedback are welcome in the Comment areas (tho' spam is deleted). Thanks!
Anyone else finding that some of these are *not* free, but just part of the Kindle lending library? Or am I doing something wrong here? Nearly clicked and spent $ by mistake!
ReplyDeleteGuess I forgot to tell you which ones:
ReplyDeleteThe Sinking of the Titanic
Vegannes Breakfast Recipes
Juicing for Health Detox and Weight Loss...
I didn't click every single link, these were just the ones I was interested in that were actually *not* free.
Andrea, there are a few free for only one day (I have no idea why anyone would do that).
ReplyDeleteI tried a number of them and found about 99% still free, and there are two or three warnings in the narrative to be sure they're still free, and also in some people's own lists.
Thanks for your list of 3. I'll go and edit those out. Appreciated. I'd do the 14th, but I wanted to build up some lists before.
ReplyDeleteFew of us would click every link of the 498 books, so this is just one way to give people info with MAYBE better luck in what's available. Appreciate your info. Add more if you find any more. Thanks!
By the way, Andrea and others -- accidental buys are refundable within 7 days (Amazon logs your last-page read, so they have a bit of info on it anyway). You go to Manage Your Kindle page to ask for the refund for accidental purchases or if there are problems with the book (missing page, bad formatting that makes it hard to read, etc.) This is something not available from other e-reader stores.
ReplyDeleteOh, totally not complaining! Just letting others know. I'm somewhat new to this, so I appreciate all the help!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a good thing to point these out. It's very helpful. I'd never guess you were new, you're so fast and give feedback quickly too. Thanks again, and write anytime you find any probs.