FREE KINDLE BOOKS from Joyce's daily forum thread of free Kindle book alerts and forumner recommendations.
534 newly and temporarily free Kindle books for Friday, 1/14/12. Recommendation-listings by forum members + discounted-book alerts.
Some of these are free for only a few days, others maybe two weeks.
[ Doublecheck the prices always.]
and posted so that others can see what was found to be interesting to them, out of over 500 book titles.
Some Kindle Forum members are going through the full lists and then creating links to the books that were of interest to them, to make it easier for others to find them.
Lists by forum members are compiled from the several postings they make while plowing through the titles -- All their recommendations are listed together under their forum names so we can easily see sets by each in these public forum threads.
I also included their duplicated picks, as they give a sense of what strikes people, in general, as worth picking up.
If a book is free for only ONE day and is no longer free, let me know and I'll strike it off the lists.
Listing-types and some genre identification
If you can see that some forum members choose the types of books you like, that'll help, and if you can see that any choose the types of books you may not find as interesting, that should help too! Many also specify the genre involved, which is very helpful. Even as subsets, there are 3 links involved in this set, although some are duplicates, chosen by different members. I hope this approach will prove useful for readers, when I have the time to do them.
Kindle-Edition subscribers (thank you for the support) should use their computers at the web page to use these links at
MORE... ( If you are reading this from the main blog page, the temporarily newly-free books and discounted-book forum-alerts link(s) are on the 2nd page, to load the main page more quickly and so that those wanting to go through the details can do so by: Clicking on "MORE" just below)
January 14 free books - 534. The following are:
Forum members' free-book choices for Jan. 14:
Ashley says:
Roses in Winter
Kissing Through a Pane of Glass
"Princess" Joyce says:
My selections to share ...
House of Cards
Captain's Day
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer)
Waiting On Hope
A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery
Survival Instinct (The dark side of dating)
Nuclear Winter Wonderland
Ladies First
Meg's Moment
Fearless Heart
Fourth and Forever
Following are all 4 books (FREE) in "The Ocean Beach Island Series" by Donald Wells
Book 1 = The Many and The One (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 1)
Book 2 = Sins & Second Chances (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 2)
Book 3 = Dry Adultery, Wet Ambition (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 3)
Book 4 = Of Tongue And Pen (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 4)
Death by Facebook
Zen Queen - Author: Kirsty McManus - Genre: Fiction - Humor
Death Has a Name - Author: Jerry Hanel - Genre: Paranormal Thriller
mary says: [Linked by Nospin] [Suspense]
Farewell to Goodbye
Dying Memories
Sibel Hodge
Impeding Justice (Revised version) (DI Lorne Simpkins thriller (Book Two))
1. Dove Creek I have a friend who lives in Coeur d'Alene Idaho.
2. A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery murder/mystery
3. The Rozabal Line mystery
4. Nice Girl Does Noir: A Collection of Short Stories (Vol. 1) I have a couple of Libby's books but none with short stories.
5. Tested by Fire: He Sought Revenge. He Found Life | A Riveting Story for First Responders (Police Officers, EMTs, and Firefighters) in a Post-911 World (A Medic-7, First Responders Novel) thriller
6. Farewell to Goodbye mystery
8. WIDOW mystery
9. Final Edge (Edge Series #4) murder/mystery This is a series of 4. I missed book 1 when it was free so will cross my fingers it will be offered again :-)
10. Coming Home (Sophie Anderson Book 6) murder/mystery set in Australia.
Nospin says:
Quick & Easy Gourmet Muffins
Brains, Trains & Video Games (Living The Autism Life)
Beyond Medicine - ...based on a doctor's personal experiences suffering with ARDS
A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery
Impeding Justice (Revised version) (DI Lorne Simpkins thriller (Book Two))
Coming Home (Sophie Anderson Book 6)Death by Facebook
Denise Long
my picks:
The Briton and the Dane: Birthright
Homemade Skin Care Recipes 2
Delicious Slow Cooker Vegan Meal Recipes (Easy Delicious Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook Collection Vol. 1)
25 Easy & Delicious Homestyle Desserts (Just like Grandma use to make) (Homestyle Recipes)
Stonebridge Manor
Will Writing - An Informational Guide To Making A Will Easily
The Serpent in the Glass (The Tale of Thomas Farrell)
Practical Craft Tips For Beginners - Scrapbooking, Card Making, Rubber Stamping, Paper Crafts, Embossing, Quilting And More!
No More Tears (The Dead Trilogy)
15 Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes
bailey1 says
Nude Foods Raw Food Diet Recipes Salads and Sauces Collection
Blood and Sunlight: A Maryland Vampire Story
Forever Summer
B.Y.O.B. - How to Sneak Alcohol Onto a Cruise Ship and other ways of reducing your bar tab
Julia's Vow (Telluride Trilogy)
Town Social
Sabrina says:
All Jacked Up: Prequel (All Jacked Up Series) [Humor]
K. Weber says:
Here are my picks today:
Kissing Through a Pane of Glass
The Pizza Boys
Mama's Boy
Rin-Tin-Tin:The Movie Star - As a German shepherd mama, I'm looking forward to this. As a matter of fact we are picking up our new GSD puppy today. :)
It's Because I Love You
Sarida says:
Trying these:
Realistic Recipes - Volume 2
How To Make Candy
15 Vegetarian Crock Pot RecipesMy Favorite Mexican Cookbook
20 Quick and Easy Breakfast & Brunch : Fruits & Vegetables 20 Recipes for Every Day
31 Day Delicious & Nutritious Crockpot Soup Recipes. Easy & Healthy Betty's Crockpot Cookbook. Set & Ready Meals for Busy Moms. Let Your Slow Cooker Cook. ... Get Home. (Crockpot Cookbook Best Sellers)
100 Swiss Food Recipes
\Westward Ho, the Children
Great Dane says:
Secret Writing by B. A. Beers [Contemporary women's fiction]
isanythingopen says:
[For] Kids
The Serpent in the Glass (The Tale of Thomas Farrell)
The Firestone Crystal
Elle's Journey (Book I, The Foretold Trilogy)
The Gifted Ones The Fairytale
Orphan Runaways: The Perilous Escape to Bodie
To Kill A Mocking Dog (A Marty & Weedgie Mystery)
Hidden Sidhe (The Keening Trilogy)
Feeling Theocidal (The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories)
Prince (Blue Moon Rising Trilogy)
The Doomfarers of Erin (Alternate Europe Series)
The Vitalis Chronicles: White Shores
Nocturnal Origins (Nocturnal Lives)
The Stranger--An Archon modern fantasy
Agent of Artifice
The Story MakersThe Foundling
The Wishing Hour
niki says
My selections:
Blood Crimes: Book One
Headhunters2012 Apocalypse Organiser (Humor) ~ I couldn't resist this one; easy read and LOL funny
Nocturnal Origins (Nocturnal Lives) (Fantasy)
The Founding (Epic Sci-Fi)
MadVilla says: are my picks-
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer)
Murder Never Retires (A Rushmore Oshansky Mystery)
A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery
Hotline to MurderThe Front Door Murders (The Mollie Parkinson Mysteries)
The Great Detectives (From Vidocq to Sam Spade)
Energy Work - Cleanse, Heal And Strengthen Your Aura (Personal Transformation) (Intuitive Living)
Let's Get Organized!
15 Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes
Nude Foods Raw Food Diet Recipes Salads and Sauces Collection
Delicious Slow Cooker Vegan Meal Recipes (Easy Delicious Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook Collection Vol. 1)
31 Day Delicious & Nutritious Crockpot Soup Recipes. Easy & Healthy Betty's Crockpot Cookbook. Set & Ready Meals for Busy Moms. Let Your Slow Cooker Cook. ... Get Home. (Crockpot Cookbook Best Sellers)
Walden 3.0
Death by Facebook
Puzzlebook: 101 Puzzle Quizzes (color and interactive!)
Reader says:
I went outside my usual genres today for the first several of these.
A Close Approximation of an Ordinary Life (I know several people with Asbergers)
Fractured Allegiance
No. 6 (High Times and Hard Time in Japan)
House of Cards
The Wishing Hour
A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer)Chicken Recipes To Die For and it has an active TOC!
Marco says:
My selection is restricted to suspense stories:
1. Il Vendetta
2. Headhunters
3. Endo
HARD WORKING RED (Short Stories)
Maeflower says:
A few romance I picked up...
All In
Forever Summer
Poor White Trash
AuntOh says:
My Favorite Mexican Cookbook
2012 Apocalypse Organiser
Coming Home (Sophie Anderson Book 6)
The Rozabal Line
The Walk (This was on my wish list!)
The Vitalis Chronicles: White Shores
Blood Crimes: Book One
To Kill A Mocking Dog (A Marty & Weedgie Mystery)
Family Kindle says:
Here are my picks and thanks everyone for helping me decide what to look for:
Wildflowers Come Back
Opal Fire (A Stacy Justice Mystery)House of Cards
Ladies First
Meg's Moment
Farewell to Goodbye
Death by Facebook
angelmum3 says:
Rin-Tin-Tin:The Movie Star
B.Y.O.B. - How to Sneak Alcohol Onto a Cruise Ship and other ways of reducing your bar tab
Christine H. says:
Dove Creek( Pacific Northwest/American Indian Fiction)
The Briton and the Dane: Birthright (Medieval Historical Fiction) got the first book The Briton and the Dane free Dec 23rd,so it's great to get it's sequel too!
Stonebridge Manor(British Mystery)
The Serpent in the Glass (The Tale of Thomas Farrell)(Fantasy)
Town Social(Western Romance)
Agent of Artifice(Fantasy)
Christmas Spirit(Regency England Holiday Mystery Novella)
Il Vendetta(Thriller about Corporate Greed)
The Companion of Lady Holmeshire (Regency England Historical Romance)
[UNlinked: but I'll include the titles for AmazonKindle Book searchbox ]
. Why Don't They Come With Instructions? [Kindle Edition]by Jan Beaver (Special Needs Kids)
. BROTHERLY LOVE [Kindle Edition]by BILL STENLAKE (Mystery)
. The Walk [Kindle Edition]by Lee Goldberg (post-apocalyptic/Thriller)
. That makes 352 on my Kindle Touch now,and it still behaves like a dream. :]
WD says:
My picks - so far..........
Do Not Cross Me... Archangel Justice Action/Adventure, with a little Sci Fi thrown in
Robot Maid Is Broken Sci Fi
The Wishing Hour Fantasy
SODIUM (Heroes) FictionThe Last Prophet Science Fiction / Religious Fiction
The Ultimate Choice Mystery Thriller / Science Fiction
DoraLady says:
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer) by Debra Webb
Meg's Moment Amy Johnson
Anywhere But Here Jenny Gardiner
Minding Amy
Roses in Winter
Land That Job! How To Answer Interview Questions
Practical Craft Tips For Beginners - Scrapbooking, Card Making, Rubber Stamping, Paper Crafts, Embossing, Quilting And More!
Kids in the kitchen and they are cooking tea
Lose Weight Now: How To Turn Your Body Into a Powerful Weight Loss Machine
Diabetes Type 1 And Type 2 The Bare Facts
Some of these are short.
Fearless Heart by Gail Cauble Gurley
The Many and The One (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 1)
Sins & Second Chances (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 2)
Dry Adultery, Wet Ambition (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 3)
Until There Was You
The PortraitA little thing called Destiny
In Lies Trilogy
Silver Angel
Kathryn (Chosen)
Hallbury Summer
Can't Take The Heat (A Contemporary Romance) (Brooklyn Heat)
Light Of Eidon
C Hayes says:
Here are a few I picked that I don't think I've seen listed yet...I apologize if they are duplicates.
Unique & Easy Tortilla Soup Recipes (Not Your Same Ole' Boring Recipes)
My Favorite Mexican Cookbook
21 Quick and Easy Fruits & Vegetables : Dips, Spreads and Salsas Recipes for Every Day
Peggy Jentoft says:
Extraordinary Healing: Transforming Your Consciousness, Your Energy System, and Your Life
I attended a 4 hour Seminar from the Author in 1994 and it has had a continuing positive effect on my life, so I'm breaking my restricted download rule for this book.
kiss04bam says:
The Portrait
Kathryn (Chosen)
Roses in Winter
Kissing Through a Pane of Glass
Blood and Sunlight: A Maryland Vampire Story
Meg's Moment
The Many and The One (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 1)
Sins & Second Chances (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 2)
Dry Adultery, Wet Ambition (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 3)
Of Tongue And Pen (The Ocean Beach Island Series-Book 4)
Breathless: Book One of the Jason and Azazel Trilogy
Broken Hearts Damaged Goods
Becky (beckygardens) says:
...these sounded really interesting
Realistic Recipes - Volume 3
The Maiden Voyage of the Maryann
Homemade Pastrami and To-Die-For Corned Beef
If You Can't Stand The Fun, Stay Out Of The Go-Go
Armwrestling The Dead
Jackalope Season: A Trio of Twisted Tales
K. Naughton says:
House of Cards
Rapid Weight Loss for Women: How to Lose 10 Pounds Quickly and Easily
15 Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer)
Land That Job! How To Answer Interview Questions
Boppin' Birthday Party Cupcake Recipes - 25 Adorable, Delectable & Scrumptious Recipes
Unique & Easy Tortilla Soup Recipes (Not Your Same Ole' Boring Recipes)
Can't Take The Heat (A Contemporary Romance) (Brooklyn Heat)
The Serpent in the Glass (The Tale of Thomas Farrell)
Chicken Recipes To Die For
Quick & Easy Gourmet Muffins
Fantastic Slow Cooker Crock Pot Recipes
joshp_84 says:
Puzzlebook: 101 Puzzle Quizzes (FREE for a limited time!) which has been on my wishlist for a little while now. today i got lucky and saw it for free on the link provided. for those who like challenging themselves with puzzles and stuff this is great. i had gotten the 12 puzzle book for free last year and now this one is available which contains 101
Elizabeth says:
Here are my picks. Thank you all for your posts.
Puzzlebook: 101 Puzzle Quizzes (FREE for a limited time!)
Delicioso Authentic Mexican Desserts (Mexican Fiesta Cookbooklets)
Fantastic Slow Cooker Crock Pot Recipes
21 Quick and Easy Fruits & Vegetables : Dips, Spreads and Salsas Recipes for Every Day
25 Easy & Delicious Homestyle Desserts (Just like Grandma use to make) (Homestyle Recipes)
Homemade Skin Care Recipes 2
31 Day Delicious & Nutritious Crockpot Soup Recipes. Easy & Healthy Betty's Crockpot Cookbook. Set & Ready Meals for Busy Moms. Let Your Slow Cooker Cook. ... Get Home. (Crockpot Cookbook Best Sellers)
Chicken Recipes To Die For
My Favorite Mexican Cookbook
Fruits & Vegetables Dessert Recipes : Quick and Easy Dessert Recipes for Every Day
[2 UNlinked ones people can search if they are interested in them. ]
- Restaurant Favorites Homemade: Eating Your Favorites at Half the Cost
- 15 Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes
Amazing Cakes
America's Most Delicious Recipes-desserts
5-minute Recipes
Black and White: A Song That is a Story About Freedom to go to School Together
Time in Thailand
PowerPoint Pro - Level 1
No Worries Word - Level 1
carol ann says:
The Geronimo Breach
Innocence Turned Deadly
Heroes R Us: A Superhero novel
Shark & The Wolf: Predators and Prey
and for the kiddies :
The Seventh Birthday Wish
Taggie's Remedies
Chinese Plays for Kids
Plays for Children - Part One - Fifteen One Act Plays
M. Ratcheson says
I believe AnnieB has already posted Nice Girl Does Noir: A Collection of Short Stories, which is actually volume two of the collection of short stories by Libby Fischer Hellmann.
Nice Girl Does Noir: A Collection of Short Stories (Vol. 1) is also free at the moment.
...She's a good writer.
AmeliaA says:
The Serpent in the Glass (The Tale of Thomas Farrell) Sort of "Narnia" meets "Hogwarts" with a touch of Celtic legends thrown in. Not hugely original, but fairly entertaining.
If you have a young reader between the ages of nine and twelve or so, they'd probably enjoy it a lot -- but so would other lovers of British fantasy.
DonnaBeeGood says:
My picks for tonight:
Awakening - Romance
Sacred Intentions (Arrington Saga: prequel book, 3) - Romance, prequel to The Girl In The Lighthouse
Past Lives, Present Dangers (Women's Suspense - Past Lives Series) - Suspense
Family History: Part 2 - Romance, Part 1 was offered free January 9
Opium - Romance
The Last Mountain - Mystery/Thriller
A Seat In the Middle - Fiction
The Girl says:
House of Cards
Cats 101
Restaurant Favorites Homemade: Eating Your Favorites at Half the Cost
Forever Summer
Regal Wind (A Jeanne Wilcox Adventure)
Poor White Trash
Immortal Embrace (Embrace Series)
Past Lives #1: Rachel (The Past Lives Series)
Minding Amy
Dying MemoriesChicken Recipes To Die For
Kathryn (Chosen)
King's Blood: Musings of a Postmodern Vampire (A Serial Novel, Part One)
Linkage: The Narrows of Time Series (Volume 1)
Nocturnal Origins (Nocturnal Lives)
Remembering Valentine: A Novel
The Revelation (Wickford High)
The Wishing Hour
The Walk
Delicioso Authentic Mexican Desserts (Mexican Fiesta Cookbooklets)
Death by Facebook
Sarah M says:
...all of my picks for today
House of Cards
DIRTY (Jackie Mercer)
Christmas Spirit
The Story Makers
Blood and Sunlight: A Maryland Vampire Story
Murder Never Retires (A Rushmore Oshansky Mystery)
A Falling Knife: An Evan Adair Mystery
Immortal Embrace (Embrace Series)
Dying Memories
Blood Crimes: Book One
The Vitalis Chronicles: White Shores
Final Edge (Edge Series #4)
Listings included were from Joyce's forum thread page for 1/14 after 225+ posts were done.
For the 50th anniversary of the commissioning of the Navy SEALS - "Novellas and short stories by 18 top-romance authors, with proceeds going to the Veterans Research Corporation - a non-profit fundraiser for veterans' medical research."
Varied stories, per customer reviews, 20 reviews with average rating of
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Amazon's Limited Time Free Promos
UK: PubDate Popular
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Ongoing Forum Discount-Alerts thread, starting from the last exit point:
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