Steven Levy of Wired's Gadget Lab writes that "Jeff Bezos has survived the iPad" and then some.
His opener is that the iPad has not, despite the many dire predictions, been a "Kindle Killer" for all the reasons we've seen and describes the new Kindle 3 models as "a canny evolution that enhances the device’s raison d’etre: reading."
"The new size and lightness "makes Kindle lighter than a paperback, while the iPad is heavier than Infinite Jest.
"What’s more, the revelation that Amazon sells more Kindle books than hardcovers is only the beginning of what now looks like an inevitable mass migration to e-books.
" 'Our best estimate is that Kindle books will outsell paperbacks at Amazon sometime in the next nine to twelve months,' Bezos says. 'And then at some point after that they’ll overtake the combination.' "
I neglected to include that link in last night's blog article on this detailed hands-on lookover, so here it is.
I watched this in a repeat last night and the first thing I noticed is they both interrupt each other a lot. Jeff Bezos relaxed into easier conversation when talking about Japan and non-Kindle-specific matters.
Viewable online at Charlie Rose.com. (Another link given didn't work.)
Check often: Temporarily-free late-listed non-classics or recently published ones
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-- The Send to Kindle button works well only on Firefox currently.

(Older posts have older Kindle model info. For latest models, see CURRENT KINDLES page. )
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