I'm writing this because it's not a product page I remember much as most blogs have focused on the top free books and also Amazon's more unusual monthly discounts
The email focused at first on the Newly Discounted Titles ( also called "New Bargain Books" linked to from that main bargain books page), and then it mentioned in the same emailed paragraph "Browse bargain titles in all genres at 60% off, as well as other new events in books."
NOT ALL of the new bargain books have Kindle versions though, and there's another section on the main page titled "Up to 60% Off Former Best Sellers."
With about 600+ books released each day as promo 'freebies' for a day or 5, I don't know what their audience is for the discounted books, but I've read some articles lately about some some deciding that the free promos are chancy, as far as use of time goes, to find the good ones.
The bargain book prices they alerted us to today are not as enticing as the $0.99 - $3.99 discounted books we see for other regular sales events, but if you're looking for certain authors or books that went off the Best Sellers list, these pages may be worth a look.
Amazon's less well-known limited time promo Kindle books area
Don't forget that Amazon has an ongoing area for its own Limited Time Free (or heavily discounted) Promo Kindle books also.
My link automatically lists these by low to high cost books, so it starts with $0.00 books.
Caution - For households that don't want to come across certain genres, it has some books with the word 'naughty' in the title and the covers indicate they probably are :-)
I also ran the list from high to low price and, except for two books for $2.51, the current 216 results there were each $0.00
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Finding 32 cent Kindle books
ReplyDelete(A quote from my blog at http://avestedinterest.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/book-prices.html)
One last bit of information. In the last few weeks a court case has meant that Amazon can now discount ebooks as special offers. This is good news for readers, who can buy books for as little as 20p (32¢). It's good news for the author too since they get the same royalty as usual and not just a percentage of the discounted price.
How to find them at Amazon? Just type into Amazon.co.uk's search bar '20p kindle books' and scan through the list of books found. If you live in the US and find a book you want then change the .co.uk in the address bar to .com and you should find what you want.
Thanks, John. Your Chrome tip on Flash crashes worked for my pc in that Chrome did not crash on videos but it would not provide audio unless I refreshed the page. Disabling the first, older Flash file did the trick.
DeleteAmazon's discounted ebooks as special offers, they've been providing the Kindle Daily Deal info on the lock screen as a Special Offer. But as you probably know from the blog here, they've had special offers and deals on books for some time, with some free for a short time or less than $1 etc. It probably affects the UK more though?